The Love A Blessing and Gift
I was tired and I was exhausted then a call came from some one who made all gone away. My tiredness and stress all was never there. I was upset and I missed my Mother who left few years back, I felt lonely then a voice came and given me a message of life. I am still alive, theres many others around me who look upto me.

That some person if you have in your life, its just a blessing and sign that HE is watching over you. That power and magic of Love fills it all. It keeps you standing tall and keep up your energies up and right, so that we can live LIVE THE LIFE not just let the life live us.

Life seems Long but in reality its short, count the Light years and then we should see what exactly time we have in our life may be few days. Some times we need to give love and share it with those who are important, who are expecting us to be there for them. When we do this we activate that energy that fills up the space in our lives. Somebody knocks at in our life and changes everything moment of silence into music of life.

A person loves someone who never says back that Love you Too in words but imagine how greater is that persons Love would be. if its waiting for its perfect moment just let it be.......
Love is gift its not dependant of its expression one can feel one can see. Words not always convey what we feel and how we feel. But if you have a tiny bit of love in your life BE THANK FULL to GOD for HIM to increase that Love in your life.......
Its a power that makes Huge difference in lives. Let that power be, let it be open and give some space to be filled in. Its all around us we just need to open our eyes and share our thoughts. Divinity is in expansion, the universe responses us back if expect it to be in positive way. Life is short fill it with Love and make it worth Living. People you see around you can just effect you as much as you allow them to. When you have True Love don't wait, grab it and be with it to LIVE. Keep this Gift in safe place and that's your heart. Keep your heart filled with Love.
Thank You !
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